Answers to the Binance Dual Investment Quiz

Answers to the Binance Dual Investment Quiz

Answers to the Binance Dual Investment Quiz

Red text is the correct answer.

1. What kind of product is Dual Investment?
Savings product with zero risk and fully principal-protected

Investment product where users have a chance to sell high or buy low at their desired target price on the desired settlement date which does not guarantee a minimum return

2. What is the Target Price and Settlement Date in Dual Investment?
Target Price = the price at which I want to buy or sell cryptocurrency
Settlement Date = the date at which I want to buy or sell cryptocurrency

Target Price = current spot price
Settlement Date = today

Target Price = the price at which I can definitely buy or sell cryptocurrency
Settlement Date = the date at which I can definitely buy or sell cryptocurrency

3. Once I subscribe, will my Target Price ever change?
The target price will change from time to time

The target price will not change once subscribed

4. I am hoping to sell my 1 BTC for 52,000 BUSD. I subscribed to the BTC Dual Investment “Sell High” product with a $52,000 Target Price to sell BTC.

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At the Settlement Date, the BTC price is $52,500. How much will I receive at the end?

52,000 BUSD + interest yield in BUSD

1 BTC + interest yield in BTC

52,500 BUSD+ interest yield in BTC

5. I am hoping to buy 1 BNB at 330 USDT. I subscribed to BNB Dual Investment “Buy Low” product with a $330 Target Price to buy BNB.

At the settlement Date, the BNB price is $345. How much will I receive at the end?

345 USDT + interest yield in BNB

1 BNB + interest yield in BNB

330 USDT + interest yield in USDT

6. What are the risks of Dual Investment?

The risk is that if the market price on the Settlement Date goes far below my Target Price to buy, I am buying at a relatively higher price and vice-versa.

There is no risk involved with Dual Investment

The risk is that my APY will change depending on the market conditions


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