Cointelegraph to auction digital collectibles inspired by famous works of art

Cointelegraph to auction digital collectibles inspired by famous works of art

From ‘The Last ICO’ (pictured) inspired by da Vinci to ‘Silent Disco’ based on Henri Matisse’s ‘La Danse’, Cointelegraph artists have created unique NFTs for collectors.

Cointelegraph is the most widely read cryptocurrency publication in the world — but even though we’re proud of our words, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand of them.

Over the past seven years, our talented team of illustrators and graphic designers has created a unique and instantly recognizable visual identity. Cointelegraph illustrations are part of the mythos and lore of cryptocurrency today, and the accessibility, humor, and sheer exuberance of our images have helped draw countless numbers of crypto converts into the industry.

For the first time, we’re offering our readers the opportunity to purchase some of our illustrators’ unmistakable artwork on, the world’s first community-owned digital collectibles marketplace.

Inspired by artists from Dali to da Vinci, our illustrators have crafted over two dozen NFTs that combine cryptocurrency and blockchain concepts with the most iconic murals and oil paintings from the Western world. The entire collection will be sold through multiple auctions in the coming months.

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Financial Meltdown – inspired by Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory

Today, November 18, Cointelegraph will hold its first auction of single edition non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, based on famous works of art. As one of the first to use Rarible’s auction model, our goal is to support the growing NFT ecosystem.

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With Cointelegraph NFTs you’ll have secure, verifiable ownership of the art you purchase — and the ability to sell or trade the unique NFT. Each piece of artwork is based on ERC-721, the Non-Fungible Token Standard, and is assigned an individual token that resides on the Ethereum blockchain.

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The Miss – inspired by Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss (Lovers)

To participate in the auction, visit Cointelegraph’s Rarible page. Be sure to follow us to receive updates on upcoming collectibles as soon as they become available. The auction will run through November 30, Cyber Monday.

For this first auction, we are also giving away one NFT to a lucky follower on social media. Follow our Twitter and Instagram to see how you can enter for a chance to win yours.

Please visit Cointelegraph’s Rarible page for more!

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