John Lennon once said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Bitcoin is bigger than them both.
What feels better than watching Bitcoin (BTC) skyrocket on bullish mass-adoption news? For hodlers, there aren’t too many events in life more satisfying than a trip to the moon — and now the rest of the world seems to be catching on.
Bitcoin, it seems, is outstripping sex — at least when it comes to Reddit users — which may come as little surprise to those of us who spend time on the “front page of the internet.”

Reddit enjoys a massive audience of 440 million users and has been a popular destination for Bitcoin enthusiasts since very early days. But while the r/Bitcoin audience has swollen dramatically since 2017, r/Sex has been somewhat tepid for years.
Since Reddit user u/farmingOnYieldApp made this observation last night, the number of r/Bitcoin subscribers has increased to 1,707,689, perhaps propelled by the PayPal announcement, while the number of Redditors talking about sex has not changed much at all and stands at just over 1.69 million. The world really is performing an about-face.
Bitcoin is also more popular than the Beatles, which had a terrific ’69 of their own — that was the year they released “Come Together” and “I Want You.” Sadly, the Liverpudlian pop phenoms only have 118,258 subscribers.
The r/Jesus subreddit is fairly deserted, but if we extrapolate from the r/Christianity subreddit (258,121 devoted members), Bitcoin may even be more popular than Jesus among Redditors. And speaking of Bitcoin Jesus, the subreddit that supports the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community has only 328,882 followers. Roger Ver will be pinning his hopes on a resurrection of interest in BCH now that PayPal will be supporting the cryptocurrency.
Despite its growing popularity, Bitcoin has a long way to go before it becomes “Mildly Interesting” — this subreddit has a remarkable 18.2 million subscribers. R/Gaming and r/Sports also make Bitcoin look small and insignificant.
Meanwhile, there is a happy ending for those who can’t make up their mind between Bitcoin and sex — Pornhub accepts Bitcoin for its premium services.