
BTC-margined or USDT-margined Contract, Which One to Pick?

BTC-margined or USDT-margined Contract, Which One to Pick?

Crypto New Media Press In the crypto market, there’s a magical phenomenon. Regardless of the volatility in the spot trading market, there are always dozens of gains that exist in the contract market. After all, bullish and bearish trends can make money in the contract market, which lights a fire under users’ butts. It’s fun […]

Introducing JustBet – JustBetOfficial – Medium

Introducing JustBet – JustBetOfficial – Medium

Crypto New Media Press The First ever fully decentralized and autonomous gaming platform and lottery system which has no human interaction, where payouts can not be tampered with at anytime and “where everyone is a WINR”. JustBet is the first ever completely decentralized, self-sustaining, autonomous playing platform. It is community-owned and incentives-driven to encourage long-term

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