“모두가 모르셨죠? 기내에 승객용 낙하산이 따로 없는 이유는요?”

“모두가 모르셨죠? 기내에 승객용 낙하산이 따로 없는 이유는요?”

여행의 설렘은 비행기를 탑승하는 순간부터 시작되곤 합니다. 설렘도 잠시 안전한 비행을 위해 승객들은 반드시 안전 수칙을 인지해야 합니다. 객실 승무원의 교육과 각 좌석에 마련된 안내 영상 및 책자를 통해 확인할 수 있죠. 그런데 이때 몇몇 승객들은 엉뚱한 듯 타당하게 들리는 생각을 떠올리기도 하는데요. 바로 ‘기내 낙하산’입니다. 수 백 명이 탑승하는 여객기에 낙하산이 있다면 비상 상황 […]

“일본음식 너무 짜서 도저히 못 먹겠다”말에 현지인의 놀라운 반응

“일본음식 너무 짜서 도저히 못 먹겠다”말에 현지인의 놀라운 반응

여행의 즐거움 중 하나는 그 나라의 음식을 맛보는 것입니다. 새로운 음식에 대한 기억은 혀끝에 남아 두고두고 그 나라에 대한 향수로 남게 되죠. 음식만큼 여행의 향수를 불러일으키는 것이 또 있을까 싶을 정도인데요. 여행 중 만족스러운 음식들이 있는가 하면 향신료나 생소한 재료 때문에 입맛이 안 맞아 고생하는 경우도 종종 있습니다. 이는 일본에 여행 시에도 마찬가지입니다. 일본은 기본적으로

“밥 한번 먹자”는 흔한 인사말이 독일에선 절대 하면 안되는 이유는

“밥 한번 먹자”는 흔한 인사말이 독일에선 절대 하면 안되는 이유는

나라마다 문화적 배경이 다르다 보니 여행 시 적응이 안 되는 상황들을 종종 맞닥뜨리곤 합니다. 독일을 여행할 때에도 마찬가지입니다. 대표적으로 1인당 50센트, 약 700원 이상의 사용료를 내고 사용하는 유료 화장실을 꼽을 수 있는데요. 이 밖에도 처음 독일을 여행하는 사람들이 당황하는 포인트에는 어떤 것들이 있을지 함께 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 약속은 칼같이 독일이라는 나라를 가장 잘 나타내는 단어는 바로

Price analysis 10/28: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LINK, BNB, DOT, LTC, BSV, ADA

Price analysis 10/28: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LINK, BNB, DOT, LTC, BSV, ADA

Altcoins took a serious hit as Bitcoin dropped below $13K today, meanwhile, BTC’s macrostructure remains bullish. The equity markets across Europe closed deeply in the red and the U.S. markets are also witnessing intense selling pressure as investors fear a rise in COVID-19 cases could stall the fragile economic recovery. This increasingly negative sentiment has

Peru is studying crypto exchanges to figure out future laws

Peru is studying crypto exchanges to figure out future laws

The pandemic is not stopping Peru’s lawmakers from testing ways of regulating the crypto industry. A Peruvian regulator authority said on October 26 that studies currently performed on local crypto exchanges will keep on going despite the COVID-19 pandemic, as the country is looking to find ways to regulate the national crypto industry. According to

Most DEXs are unsafe, alleges new report

Most DEXs are unsafe, alleges new report

Only two decentralized exchanges on the list receive high cybersecurity scores. 14 out of 25 decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, score poorly in terms of cybersecurity, according to a recent report.  Source: CER. CER’s criteria included several factors such as whether a DEX underwent security audit, the availability of bug bounties and if it had proper

Cambodia launches inter-banking platform that runs on blockchain

Cambodia launches inter-banking platform that runs on blockchain

But don’t call it a CBDC, says central bank reps. Amid a global race toward central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, Cambodia officially launched a blockchain-based platform for digital money transactions called Bakong.  “Bakong, a payment and money transfer service through banks or microfinance institutions, was established under the initiative of the National Bank of

Partisan dunks eclipse Section 230 in Senate hearing on social media giants

Partisan dunks eclipse Section 230 in Senate hearing on social media giants

Though the hearing did not focus on solutions, open source looks like a real way of addressing the committee’s concerns about transparency and accountability. In a hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee on Friday, the CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google’s parent company, Alphabet, faced a veritable firing squad in what has become bipartisan hatred based

The blockchain revolution is already here, say Alex and Don Tapscott

The blockchain revolution is already here, say Alex and Don Tapscott

Tech evangelists Alex and Don Tapscott believe blockchain will “rewrite the economic power grid and the old social order.” According to tech evangelists Don and Alex Tapscott, blockchain technology will prove itself the most disruptive technology of the next decade. “We now have an Internet of value that can give us another opportunity to rewrite

This social media platform gives you the option to make your posts undeletable

This social media platform gives you the option to make your posts undeletable

The CEO of Minds thinks that others will follow suit. Alternative social media platform Minds is now letting users permanently save their content on the Arweave platform, which ensures that nobody can ever delete it once published. Minds users can choose to publish their content on the “permaweb” with no payment or additional setup required.

“왜 이러세요” 직원들도 깜짝 놀란 부회장님의 인스타그램 사진

“왜 이러세요” 직원들도 깜짝 놀란 부회장님의 인스타그램 사진

미국의 사업가 ‘패리스 힐튼’이 키우는 강아지 ‘피터팬’은 호화로운 삶을 누리기로 유명합니다. 피터팬은 마치 인형의 집을 방불케 하는 ‘강아지용 전원주택’에 살고 있는데요. 주택에 딸린 수영장에서 물장구를 치고 테라스에서 패리스 힐튼에게 안겨 잠을 자는 등 여유로운 일상을 보내는 근황이 공개되어 왔습니다. 당시 많은 사람들이 ‘패리스 힐튼의 반려견으로 살고 싶다’라는 반응을 보이기도 했습니다. 그렇다면 한국 재벌의 강아지는 어떤

Yext Launches a WordPress Plugin To Connect To Its Answers Platform

Last week, Yext launched its Yext Answers plugin to the WordPress community. The goal was to bring a platform that won the Best Software Innovation category of the 2020 Global Search Awards to WordPress. However, my experience was far from satisfactory. “For people searching on a WordPress website, the Answers Connector provides a seamless search

Gutenberg 9.2 Adds Video Tracks, Improvements to Columns and Cover Blocks

Gutenberg 9.2 Adds Video Tracks, Improvements to Columns and Cover Blocks

Gutenberg 9.2 was released this week and is the last release of the plugin to be rolled into WordPress 5.6. It features the long-awaited video tracks functionality, closing a ticket that has been open for more than two years under development. Video tracks includes things like subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, and metadata. This update introduces

ESLint Maintainers Share Challenges of Funding Open Source Utilities through Sponsorship

ESLint, one of the most popular JavaScript linting utilities, quickly eclipsed more established early competitors, thanks to its open source license. The clear licensing enabled the project to become widely used but did not immediately translate into funds for its ongoing development. Despite being  downloaded more than 13 million times each week, its maintainers still

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