Cornell University shared a surprising revelation about this blockchain paper

Cornell University shared a surprising revelation about this blockchain paper

The dissertation was written at an important moment in Bitcoin’s history. A Ph.D. dissertation On Scalability of Blockchain Technologies has become the most downloaded dissertation at Cornell University in the past eight years. The paper was penned by Adem Efe Gencer in 2017, under the direction of computer scientists Emin Gün Sirer and Robbert van Renesse. […]

YouTube’s sleazy decline into scam promotion

YouTube’s sleazy decline into scam promotion

With great influence comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, YouTube seems to ignore it. Last weekend, I was watching a sports stream on YouTube. Talented, fearless athletes on the screen, a glass of wine in one hand and a purring cat under the other — you know, those perfect Saturday evenings. If only the stream didn’t keep

Blockchain health apps privatize COVID-19 data but security is a concern

Blockchain health apps privatize COVID-19 data but security is a concern

Blockchain-based apps used to store COVID-19 data may not be as private as they seem. New procedures are being implemented as the world slowly begins to reopen amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While temperature checks and mandatory face masks have become the new normal, the world is also witnessing the rise of digital health apps,

Multiple data points suggest Bitcoin’s 2017-style bull run has begun

Multiple data points suggest Bitcoin’s 2017-style bull run has begun

Social sentiment data, strengthening fundamentals and on-chain analysis suggest Bitcoin is on the verge of a 2017-style bull run. Last week, Bitcoin (BTC) saw its price rise 6.95%, rising from $10,804 on October 5 to $11,555 by October 12. The surge marked the best performing week for the price of Bitcoin since July and data

‘이정도면 공개연애’ 소리나오는 연봉 3억 미녀 작가의 연애 상대

‘이정도면 공개연애’ 소리나오는 연봉 3억 미녀 작가의 연애 상대

연봉 3억 원으로 알려진 미녀 작가가 럽스타그램으로 화제입니다. 럽스타그램은 러브+인스타그램의 합성어인데요. 이번 럽스타그램은 각종 온라인 커뮤니티에서 실물로 화제가 된 웹툰 ‘여신 강림’의 야옹이 작가라 더 주목받고 있습니다. 그는 명실 부동한 네이버 웹툰 최고 미녀작가로 꼽히고 있는데요. 야옹이 작가의 마음을 흔든 남자가 누구인지, 조금 더 알아보시죠. 웹툰 대표 미녀, 야옹이 작가 야옹이 작가라 불리는 김나영의 대표작은

지뢰 찾은 쥐에게 OOO 수여한 캄보디아 정부, 이유가?

지뢰 찾은 쥐에게 OOO 수여한 캄보디아 정부, 이유가?

‘쥐’를 보면 어떤 생각이 드시나요? 기분 나쁘게 찍찍거리는 소리와 세균을 옮기고 다니는 더러운 모습이 떠오르는데요. 우리 주위에서는 변기나 음식물 쓰레기통 근처에서 종종 발견됩니다. 그런데 최근 한 쥐는 이와 전혀 다른 모습을 보이고 있습니다. 이 쥐는 인간들의 죽음을 막아준 공로로 명예로운 훈장을 수상하기까지 했죠. 사람들의 칭찬을 받다 못해 국가의 자랑이 되었다는 쥐 ‘마가와’의 사연을 들어보겠습니다. 동물

아빠라고 부르는 순간 폭풍오열.. 자녀 있는 배우자 사랑한 연예인

아빠라고 부르는 순간 폭풍오열.. 자녀 있는 배우자 사랑한 연예인

사랑하는 사람에게 자녀가 있다면 어떨까요? 2019년 이혼 건수는 약 11만 건으로 나타났습니다. 매년 증가 추세에 있는데요. 이혼율이 증가한 만큼 재혼을 희망하는 사람도 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 하지만 연인이 생겨도 아이가 있다면 아이의 정신건강을 고려해 결혼은 꺼리는 일이 많죠. 선남선녀로 가득한 연예계에도 돌싱과 결혼한 사례는 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는데요. 최근 자녀 있는 돌싱과 결혼한 한 연예인의

8 major Google algorithm updates, explained

8 major Google algorithm updates, explained

Google claims to update its search algorithm several thousand times per year. In the absolute majority of cases, Google algorithm updates are too small to notice. But, every once in a while, Google introduces a change so fundamental, that it disrupts the way we do SEO forever. In this post, we will be counting down

WordPress 5.6 to Introduce Application Passwords for REST API Authentication

In 2015, WordPress 4.4 introduced a REST API, but one thing that has severely limited its broader use is the lack of authentication capabilities for third-party applications. After considering the benefits and drawbacks of many different types of authentication systems, George Stephanis published a proposal for integrating Application Passwords, into core. Stephanis highlighted a few

WP Agency Summit Begins Its Second Annual Virtual Event October 12

Jan Koch, the founder and host of WP Agency Summit, is kicking off his second annual event on October 12. The five-day event will feature 37 speakers from a wide range of backgrounds across the WordPress industry. It is a free virtual event that anyone can attend. “The focus for the 2020 WP Agency Summit

EditorPlus 1.9 Adds Animation Builder for the Block Editor

EditorPlus 1.9 Adds Animation Builder for the Block Editor

Munir Kamal shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to push forward with new features for his EditorPlus plugin, which allows end-users to customize the look of the blocks in their posts and pages. He calls it the “no-code style editor for WordPress.” The latest addition to his plugin? Animation styles for every core

Cloudflare Launches Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress

Just a day after launching its new privacy-first web analytics product last week, Cloudflare announced Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) for WordPress. The new service boasts staggering performance improvements for sites that might otherwise be slowed down by shared hosting, slow database lookups, or sluggish plugins: Our testing… showed a 72% reduction in Time to First

해방 50년 만에 철거된 조선 총독부 건물이 아직 한국에 있다는데…

해방 50년 만에 철거된 조선 총독부 건물이 아직 한국에 있다는데…

일제로부터 해방된 지 75년이 지났지만 아픈 상처는 아직도 곳곳에 남아 있습니다. 특히 일제 강점기의 뼈아픈 역사를 고스란히 간직한 건물이나 유적지들이 우리나라 여러 곳에 존재합니다. 대표적으로 일본인들의 공동묘지 위에 들어선 부산의 ‘비석문화마을’, 일본이 용산을 철도기지화하기 위해 지은 건물인 ‘용산 철도병원’, 일본 영사관 용도로 지어 사용하던 목포 근대 역사관 본관 등이 있죠. 그중에서도 일제 강점기의 아픈 역사를

Election result delays mean “the system is working,” says cybersecurity chief

With an unprecedented number of Americans voting by mail this year, it may take longer than normal for results to come in this Election Day—including even unofficial results. Yet President Donald Trump’s disinformation campaign about election security continues to falsely suggest that any “delay” would be the result of fraud. Government officials charged with protecting

Congress made a lousy case for breaking up Big Tech

The long-awaited tech antitrust report that the US Congress released on October 6 presents a remarkably flimsy case for action against the nation’s most innovative and competitive companies. The report’s main recommendations would do very little to solve real social problems caused by technology, like misinformation and election interference, because these problems aren’t related to

Live facial recognition is tracking kids suspected of being criminals

In a national database in Argentina, tens of thousands of entries detail the names, birthdays, and national IDs of people suspected of crimes. The database, known as the Consulta Nacional de Rebeldías y Capturas (National Register of Fugitives and Arrests), or CONARC, began in 2009 as a part of an effort to improve law enforcement

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