Scaling DeFi with Optimistic Rollups is not the best option, says Matter Labs CEO

Scaling DeFi with Optimistic Rollups is not the best option, says Matter Labs CEO

Ethereum needs to scale with layer-two in the short-term, and ZK Rollups can pick up the slack. Since Ethereum 2.0 is likely to take a few more years to begin increasing the throughput of the network, community focus is centering on layer-two solutions that could take some of the burden in the short-term. Several solutions […]

What now for Bitcoin price? September starts with abrupt BTC sell-off

What now for Bitcoin price? September starts with abrupt BTC sell-off

Bitcoin’s new monthly candle has been met with a fierce sell-off. Traders explain bearish and bullish scenarios for BTC. On Sept. 1, a new Bitcoin monthly candle opened with significant optimism. The August monthly candle closed above $11,500 for the first time since the all-time high in 2017. But in the short term, traders are

완벽한 김태희에겐 없고 전지현에게는 있는 한 가지

완벽한 김태희에겐 없고 전지현에게는 있는 한 가지

한국을 대표하는 미녀 스타 하면 늘 떠오르는 인물이 둘 있습니다. 바로 김태희와 전지현인데요. 김태희는 단아, 청순한 이미지의 표본으로 여겨집니다. 심지어 한국 미녀들 얼굴을 모두 합치면 김태희가 나온다는 이야기까지 있었죠. 서울대 출신까지 고려해 지성과 미를 모두 잡은 완벽한 사람으로 평가됩니다. 김태희가 완벽에 가까운 아름다움으로 전지현은 톡톡 튀는 매력으로 마음을 사로잡았습니다. 완벽하다, 표준이라는 표현보다 ‘전지현’이다 라는 말이

작품 찍을 때마다 열애설 터졌다는 연예인들 근황 어떻길래…

작품 찍을 때마다 열애설 터졌다는 연예인들 근황 어떻길래…

한국 드라마에서 사랑은 빠질 수 없는 핵심요소입니다. 의사, 변호사, 귀신 등 장르를 불문하고 한국 드라마에선 러브라인을 빼놓을 수 없죠. 그런 만큼 배우들의 사랑 연기도 나날이 발전해가고 있는데요. 그중에서도 너무 뛰어난 연기로 작품마다 열애설 터트린 레전드 연예인을 모아보았습니다. 어떤 이들이 TOP3에 선정되었을까요? 조금 더 알아보시죠. 남다른 연애, 김민희 배우 김민희는 모델로 시작해 배우로 성공한 인물입니다. 데뷔

WordCamp Austin Opens Call for Musicians

WordCamp Austin Opens Call for Musicians

WordCamp Austin 2020 is putting out a call for musicians, alongside its call for speakers. The event’s organizers are rising to the challenge of creating a unique experience for attendees, while working within the constraints of a virtual format. Because the city prides itself on being “the live music capital of the world,” due to

Stepping Into a Market With Major Players, Mario Peshev Acquires WP-CRM System

Mario Peshev, the CEO of WordPress agency DevriX, officially announced he had acquired the WP-CRM System plugin this week. Formally, his company Premium WP Support is taking the reins for the project. Scott DeLuzio, the creator and previous owner of the plugin, published the news on his blog last month. DeLuzio originally built the plugin

MotoPress Acquires Gutenix WordPress Theme

MotoPress Acquires Gutenix WordPress Theme

MotoPress, a theme and plugin shop in operation since 2013, has acquired the Gutenix WordPress theme and its commercial ZeGuten blocks plugin for Gutenberg. The free theme currently has more than 700 active installs after nine months on MotoPress already has a number of successful niche WordPress themes and plugins but Gutenix fills the

Elementor 3.0 Allows Users to Create a Personalized Design System

Elementor 3.0 Allows Users to Create a Personalized Design System

Elementor version 3.0 was launched on Tuesday. This release is the first major update to the plugin in over two years and is one of the largest upgrades in its history. The new version focuses on a design system, a new theme builder, and performance improvements. The driving motivation behind this release was to create

어린 시절 한국 방송에 나온 적 있는 이 아이는 커서 이렇게 됩니다

어린 시절 한국 방송에 나온 적 있는 이 아이는 커서 이렇게 됩니다

축구선수는 가장 높은 연봉을 받는 직업 중 하나입니다. 특히 국제적으로 이름이 알려진 축구선수는 수백에서 수천억 원을 연봉으로 받곤 하죠. 이를 위해 오늘도 수많은 국가에서 수많은 축구선수가 피땀 흘려 노력과 연습을 거듭하고 있습니다. 오늘은 이들 중 어마어마한 재산을 가진 축구 선수을 알아보겠습니다. 최고의 축구 스타, 네이마르 네이마르는 브라질의 전설적인 축구선수 ‘펠레’를 잇는 브라질의 특급 에이스입니다. 10대부터

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is neuroscience theater

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is neuroscience theater

Rock-climb without fear. Play a symphony in your head. See radar with superhuman vision. Discover the nature of consciousness. Cure blindness, paralysis, deafness, and mental illness. Those are just a few of the applications that Elon Musk and employees at his four-year-old neuroscience company Neuralink believe electronic brain-computer interfaces will one day bring about. None

IBM has built a new drug-making lab entirely in the cloud

IBM has built a new drug-making lab entirely in the cloud

The news: IBM has built a new chemistry lab called RoboRXN in the cloud. It combines AI models, a cloud computing platform, and robots to help scientists design and synthesize new molecules while working from home. How it works: The online lab platform allows scientists to log on through a web browser. On a blank

How special relativity can help AI predict the future

Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but some guesses are a lot better than others. A kicked football will not reverse in midair and return to the kicker’s foot. A half-eaten cheeseburger will not become whole again. A broken arm will not heal overnight. By drawing on a fundamental description of cause and

Memers are making deepfakes, and things are getting weird

Grace Windheim had heard of deepfakes before. But she had never considered how to make one. It was a viral meme using the technology that led her to research the possibility—and discover that it was super easy and completely free. Within a day, she had created a step-by-step YouTube tutorial to walk others through the

How a $1 million plot to hack Tesla failed

Hacking isn’t all 1s and 0s—more often than you’d think, it’s about people. A Tesla employee was offered a $1 million bribe in early August to install ransomware on the car company’s networks in Nevada, a scheme that could have netted a cybercrime gang many more millions in extortion, according to a newly unsealed US

‘이 정도일 줄이야’ 하루 1만 원짜리 제주 렌터카의 불편한 진실

‘이 정도일 줄이야’ 하루 1만 원짜리 제주 렌터카의 불편한 진실

제주도는 한국을 넘어 세계인들에게도 사랑받는 여행지입니다. 사계절 언제 여행을 떠나도 아름다운 풍경을 만끽할 수 있는 곳이죠. 제주도 여행 시 꼭 명심해야 할 점이 있다면 바로 렌터카를 대여해야 한다는 점인데요. 그래서 매 휴가철, 제주도를 찾는 사람들은 보다 저렴한 가격에 차를 빌릴 수 있는 곳을 찾곤 합니다. 하루에 만 원이면 차를 대여할 수 있는 곳도 넘쳐나죠. 그런데

Bitcoin Slips in Latest Crypto Ranking by Chinese Government-Backed Center

Bitcoin Slips in Latest Crypto Ranking by Chinese Government-Backed Center

China’s Center for Information and Industry Development has revised its rankings of 37 crypto projects. Bitcoin has fallen from the previous ranking. As the Chinese government focuses on launching its central bank digital currency, the Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID), under China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, continues to evaluate and rank

Digital Currency Group Pledges 0 Million to Bolster Bitcoin Mining Industry

Digital Currency Group Pledges $100 Million to Bolster Bitcoin Mining Industry

The firm Digital Currency Group (DCG) is entering the mining industry, as the firm has pledged $100 million into a cryptocurrency mining firm called Foundry. The mining company Foundry was noiselessly founded in 2019 and it aims to offer capital, consulting, and intelligence to digital assets miners. Bitcoin mining is becoming a massive industry and

위로 스크롤