Among Those Disrupted By COVID-19: The Nation’s Newest Doctors

July 1 is a big day in medical education. It’s traditionally the day newly minted doctors start their first year of residency. But this year is different. Getting from here to there — from medical school to residency training sites — has been complicated by the coronavirus. “We were all really freaking out,” said Dr. […]

Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Use Nuestro Contenido Este artículo también fue publicado por The Associated Press. Teste contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita (detalles). El sistema de salud pública de los Estados Unidos ha subsistido en la precariedad durante décadas y carece de los recursos necesarios para enfrentar la peor crisis de salud en un siglo. Mientras enfrentan juntos

Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

The U.S. public health system has been starved for decades and lacks the resources to confront the worst health crisis in a century. Marshaled against a virus that has sickened at least 2.6 million in the U.S., killed more than 126,000 people and cost tens of millions of jobs and $3 trillion in federal rescue

How We Reported ‘Underfunded And Under Threat’

How We Reported ‘Underfunded And Under Threat’

To assess the state of the public health system in the United States, KHN and The Associated Press analyzed data on government spending and staffing at national, state and local levels. What reporters found was a mix of survey and budget data, each measuring a slightly different concept of “public health.” Some datasets track only

How We Reported ‘Underfunded And Under Threat’

Six Takeaways Of The KHN-AP Investigation Into The Erosion Of Public Health

Local and state public health departments across the country work to ensure that people in their communities have healthy water to drink, their restaurants don’t serve contaminated food and outbreaks of infectious diseases don’t spread. Those departments now find themselves at the forefront of fighting the coronavirus pandemic. But years of budget and staffing cuts

“주작 도와준 공범까지 모두…” 주작 방송한 송대익이 받는 형량과 벌금

“주작 도와준 공범까지 모두…” 주작 방송한 송대익이 받는 형량과 벌금

YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’ YouTube ‘로이어프렌즈 – 변호사 친구들’

휴가 복귀 중 지하철 ‘임산부 배려석’ 앉았다고 징계받은 군인

휴가 복귀 중 지하철 ‘임산부 배려석’ 앉았다고 징계받은 군인

페이스북 페이지 ‘군대나무숲’에는 익명의 군인이 자신의 경험담을 털어놨다. 게시물은 “어제 휴가 때 한 행동 때문에 진술서를 썼습니다”라는 문장으로 시작한다. 작성자는 “휴가 복귀 때 지하철 임산부석에 앉은 걸 누가 국방부에 민원을 넣은 모양입니다”라고 설명했다. 이어 “불법은 아니지만, 민원이 들어와서 절차를 밟아야 한다고 들었다”고 덧붙였다. 그는 “다른 분들도 크게 문제 만들지 말고, 그냥 피한다는 생각으로 앉지 않길

성희롱 현장 출동하면서 수갑 안 들고 간 경찰관, 결국 시민이 제압했다

성희롱 현장 출동하면서 수갑 안 들고 간 경찰관, 결국 시민이 제압했다

과거 2019년 5월에 오후 6시 30분께 전남 나주 영산포 파출소에는 성희롱 피해 신고가 접수됐다. 신고자는 10대 여성으로, 한 남성이 욕설과 함께 성희롱을 했다고 알리면서 경찰 측에 도움을 요청했다. 기사와 관련 없는 자료 사진 / 연합뉴스 신고를 접수한 경찰관 2명이 현장으로 출동했다. 이들은 신고자가 가해자로 지목한 A(49)씨에게 범죄 사실을 묻던 도중 폭행을 당했다. A씨의 발차기에 맞은

<div>“코로나 봉쇄 끝…” 체코 프라하 시민들 '500m 식탁' 축하 만찬</div>“코로나 봉쇄 끝…” 체코 프라하 시민들 '500m 식탁' 축하 만찬
" title="
“코로나 봉쇄 끝…” 체코 프라하 시민들 '500m 식탁' 축하 만찬
" itemprop="image" decoding="async" />

“코로나 봉쇄 끝…” 체코 프라하 시민들 ‘500m 식탁’ 축하 만찬

코 프라하 시민들이 코로나19 봉쇄가 해제되자 500m 대형 식탁을 설치해 파티를 열었다. CNN 2일 CNN방송 등에 따르면 지난달 30일 프라하 주민 수 백 명은 카를교 위에 500m 길이의 식탁을 설치하고 정부가 ‘모임 금지령’을 완화한 것을 축하하는 만찬을 열었다. CNN 시민들은 식탁을 흰색 식탁보와 꽃으로 꾸미고 각자 음식과 음료를 가져와 나눠먹었다. 이번 행사를 주최한 시민은 “서로

Breaking: Chicago institutes mandatory quarantine for some

Breaking: Chicago institutes mandatory quarantine for some

There’s some major travel news coming out of Chicago late on July 2. In a tweet, Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued an emergency travel order announcing the city would impose a mandatory 14-day quarantine beginning Monday July 6 for anyone arriving from 15 states that are seeing spikes in the coronavirus outbreak. For more travel tips

A beginner’s guide to visiting Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

A beginner’s guide to visiting Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

Editor’s note: While Glacier Bay National Park remains open, most visitor services within the park including all lodging, guided tours and dining facilities have closed for the year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Most cruise lines that operate voyages into the park have canceled all 2020 sailings. This guide is designed for those planning ahead

How to fly AA’s best business-class seats for onboard social distancing domestically

How to fly AA’s best business-class seats for onboard social distancing domestically

Editor’s note: This is a recurring post, regularly updated with new information. American Airlines’ fleet is extremely inconsistent, especially on U.S. domestic routes. Some long domestic routes will lack power outlets and inflight entertainment screens — even in first class. Meanwhile, you can find lie-flat business-class seats sold as economy on one-hour flights. So if you’ve got

UPDATE: Barbados again welcoming Americans

UPDATE: Barbados again welcoming Americans

As the travel industry reopens following COVID-19 shutdowns, TPG suggests that you talk to your doctor, follow health officials’ guidance and research local travel restrictions before booking that next trip. We will be here to help you prepare, whether it is next month or next year. In This Post Silver Sand Bay, Christ Church Parish, Barbados.

Boeing is ending production of the 747

Boeing is ending production of the 747

The last Boeing 747 will roll out of the Everett, Washington, plant in about two years, ending the more than five-decade production run of the legendary airplane known as the Queen of the Skies. It’s a momentous decision in the history of aviation: the airplane that made long-haul travel into a mass phenomenon is officially

위로 스크롤