How Google Docs became the social media of the resistance

How Google Docs became the social media of the resistance

In the week after George Floyd’s murder, hundreds of thousands of people joined protests across the US and around the globe, demanding education, attention, and justice. But one of the key tools for organizing these protests is a surprising one: it’s not encrypted, doesn’t rely on signing in to a social network, and wasn’t even […]

Astronomers have found a planet like Earth orbiting a star like the sun

Three thousand light-years from Earth sits Kepler 160, a sun-like star that’s already thought to have three planets in its system. Now researchers think they’ve found a fourth. Planet KOI-456.04, as it’s called, appears similar to Earth in size and orbit, raising new hopes we’ve found perhaps the best candidate yet for a habitable exoplanet

How K-pop fans became celebrated online vigilantes

How K-pop fans became celebrated online vigilantes

When the Dallas police called for the public to send them videos of illegal activity during protests a week ago, they didn’t get the evidence of law-breaking demonstrators they expected. Instead, fans of Korean pop music downloaded the police department’s app en masse, rallied each other to flood it with short, fan-produced videos, and gave

No, coronavirus apps don’t need 60% adoption to be effective

No, coronavirus apps don’t need 60% adoption to be effective

With dozens of digital contact tracing apps already rolled out worldwide, and many more on the way, how many people need to use them for the system to work? One number has come up over and over again: 60%.  That’s the percentage of the population that many public health authorities documented by MIT Technology Review’s

The activist dismantling racist police algorithms

The activist dismantling racist police algorithms

Hamid Khan has been a community organizer in Los Angeles for over 35 years, with a consistent focus on police violence and human rights. He talked to us on April 3, 2020, for a forthcoming podcast episode about artificial intelligence and policing. As the world turns its attention to police brutality and institutional racism, we

<div>Marshall Islands Seeks to Establish a " title="
Marshall Islands Seeks to Establish a "Self-Sovereign Identity" With New Blockchain-Based Currency
" title="148">Marshall Islands Seeks to Establish a "Self-Sovereign Identity" With New Blockchain-Based Currency
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Marshall Islands Seeks to Establish a "Self-Sovereign Identity" With New Blockchain-Based Currency
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Marshall Islands Seeks to Establish a “Self-Sovereign Identity” With New Blockchain-Based Currency

Joel Telpner reveals some of the steps the Marshall Islands is taking to launch its national digital currency.

<div>" title="
"앞으로 강아지 산책시킬 때 '이런 풀'에 '절대' 다가가지 마세요"
" title="151">"앞으로 강아지 산책시킬 때 '이런 풀'에 '절대' 다가가지 마세요"
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"앞으로 강아지 산책시킬 때 '이런 풀'에 '절대' 다가가지 마세요"
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“앞으로 강아지 산책시킬 때 ‘이런 풀’에 ‘절대’ 다가가지 마세요”

반려견에게 꼭 필요한 산책. 그런데 산책길에 비상이 걸렸다. ‘금강아지풀(Yellow foxtail grass)’ 때문이다. 최근 온라인 미디어 굿플네스는 국내에도 많이 서식하는 금강아지풀이 강아지의 눈이나 다리를 찔러 심하게는 사망에 이를 수도 있다며 그 위험성을 소개했다.   금강아지풀은 한해살이 풀로 똑바로 서서 자라며 표면에 청백록색을 띠고 뒷면은 녹색이다. 강아지풀과 비슷하게 보이지만 강아지풀보다 털이 적은 대신 억센 까락(털)이 있고 이삭이

“벽에 붙어있는거 설마 …” 이번 겨울이 유난히 따뜻해 역대급으로 부화 많이했다는 해충의 정체

“벽에 붙어있는거 설마 …” 이번 겨울이 유난히 따뜻해 역대급으로 부화 많이했다는 해충의 정체


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