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국산 밀맥주

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지구 역사상 가장 거대했던 곤충.

지구 역사상 가장 거대했던 곤충.

       메가네우라 (Meganeura) 1약 2억 9천만 년 전, 고생대 오늘날 유럽 지역에 해당되는 열대우림에서 서식했던 대형 잠자리 날개 길이만 70cm에 육박

Shinobi Blocks WordPress Plugin Adds How-To and FAQ Blocks

Shinobi Blocks WordPress Plugin Adds How-To and FAQ Blocks

Shinobi Works, a web development and illustration company based in Japan, released Shinobi Blocks last week. It is the second plugin the team has added to the WordPress plugin directory. The plugin is a block collection that currently has two blocks for creating how-to and FAQ sections on a site. Overall, the blocks work well.

Local Brings Back Support for Apache and Site Cloning

Local Brings Back Support for Apache and Site Cloning

Flywheel’s Local development app has received several major updates during the past month. The most recent release brings back support for Apache as a web server choice (version 5.5.1), in response to user feedback. This was the most highly requested feature on the app’s community voting board. Although nginx is the leader in web server

Should WordPress Provide an API for Third-Party Editors?

Imagine a future where you log into your website’s admin. You head over to the editor. This particular editor has all the tools and features in place that make you more efficient at producing whatever content you put out for the world to see. You immediately start tapping keys or dragging your mouse around the

Molly Burke on the Power of Universal Design

In a 2017 speech titled “Stop trying to fix disability,” YouTube and motivational speaker Molly Burke says, “I live in a world that wasn’t built for me, but what if it was?” Burke was born with a rare, genetic eye disease that caused her to go blind. In this short but moving 8 minute video,

PHP and WordPress Version Checks Coming to Themes

PHP and WordPress Version Checks Coming to Themes

PHP and WordPress version checks are coming to the WordPress theme system — finally. The feature was pulled into core WordPress three days ago. It will prevent end-users from installing or activating a theme that is incompatible with their current version of PHP or WordPress. The change is slated to land in WordPress 5.5. This

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