These pop songs were written by OpenAI’s deep-learning algorithm

The news: In a fresh spin on manufactured pop, OpenAI has released a neural network called Jukebox that can generate catchy songs in a variety of different styles, from teenybop and country to hip-hop and heavy metal. It even sings—sort of.  How it works: Give it a genre, an artist, and lyrics, and Jukebox will […]

Covid-19 and the workforce: Critical workers, productivity, and the future of AI

Covid-19 and the workforce: Critical workers, productivity, and the future of AI

In less than two months, covid-19 created arguably the world’s largest collective shift in social activity and working practices. Research firm Global Workplace Analytics estimated in a 2018 report that 4.3 million people in the US worked remotely, representing just 3.2% of the country’s workforce. In a March 2020 poll of 375 executives by MIT

Health systems are in need of radical change; virtual care will lead the way

The covid-19 pandemic has shown us how much health care is in need of not just tweaking but radical change. The pressure on global health systems, providers, and staff has already been increasing to unsustainable levels. But it also illustrates how much can be achieved in times of crisis: for example, China and the UK

Covid hoaxes are using a loophole to stay alive—even after content is deleted

Since the onset of the pandemic, the Technology and Social Change Research Project at Harvard Kennedy’s Shorenstein Center, where I am the director, has been investigating how misinformation, scams, and conspiracies about covid-19 circulate online. If fraudsters are now using the virus to dupe unsuspecting individuals, we thought, then our research on misinformation should focus

아무리 이뻐도 만나기 꺼려지는 스타일의 여자들

아무리 이뻐도 만나기 꺼려지는 스타일의 여자들

1.욕을 입에 달고 사는 여자 2.온몸에 문신이 가득한 여자 3.공공장소나 어떤 장소에서도 제멋대로고 예의 안지키는 여자 4.담배 없으면 못사는 하루 한갑 이상 피는 꼴초 여자 5.술 없으면 못사는 매일매일 술마시는 여자 기타 6.아는 오빠나 후배등 남사친이 많은 여자 7.성욕이 너무 왕성한 여자 8.종교에 너무 몰두하는 여자 등이 꼽혔다 성별을 남자로 바꿔도 대부분 기피되는 성향이라는 의견

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