Proposal to Update the WordPress Coding Standards for Modern PHP

WordPress is a dinosaur. If you are a PHP programmer and have had the opportunity to work outside of WordPress in the past 10 years, there are likely one or two or a few dozen things that frustrate you when diving back into the project’s 16-year-old codebase. At a time when WordPress is gifting JavaScript

Font Awesome Releases New COVID-19 Awareness Icons

Font Awesome Releases New COVID-19 Awareness Icons

COVID-19 awareness icons added to Font Awesome. On Monday, the Font Awesome team launched a new set of icons to promote awareness around COVID-19. The solid icons available in the Font Awesome 5.13 update are all available for free and are open-source. The regular, light, and duotone versions of the icons are a part of

Gutenberg 7.8 Adds Patterns API and Continues Interface Cleanup

Gutenberg 7.8 Adds Patterns API and Continues Interface Cleanup

Version 7.8 of the Gutenberg plugin landed yesterday. The team continues to improve the editor with the refreshed interface work that began in version 7.7. The most useful feature with this update of the plugin is the inclusion of the Patterns API for plugin and theme developers. This release is not the massive feature release

Finding Balance in These Uncertain Times: Remote Work and Sharing Our Struggles

There is a popular saying, which has been used in several memes, among my developer and remote-working friend groups. It goes something like the following: Government and Doctors: Practice physical distancing during this pandemic. Remote Workers: I’ve been preparing my whole life for this moment. I got this. The truth is that we don’t “got

Yoast Publishes Free Online Training Course for the Block Editor

Yoast, the company behind the popular Yoast SEO plugin, launched its free block editor training course today. The course is available to anyone by signing up for Yoast Academy, which also includes multiple other free and paid courses. Users can learn everything from SEO and copy writing to basic WordPress skills. The Academy team’s latest

The difference between small business & enterprise SEO

The difference between small business & enterprise SEO

Your company’s website often makes the first impression on customers before you ever meet them in person. But how do potential customers find your site? How can it compete with the larger sites of enterprise corporations with huge marketing budgets? One solutions is investing in SEO services that can help improve your website’s marketing functionality.

The race to make a lab-grown steak

Meat production spews tons of greenhouse gas and uses up too much land and water. Is there an alternative that won’t make us do without?

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