POE 명령어와 단축키설정
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사용하고 있는 시세검색프로그램은 PoE-Overlay를 사용하고 있는데 이전 사용하던 PoetradeSearch보다 단축키를 입력하고 설정하는 부분이 더 쉽게 되어 있습니다.
Release v0.7.14 · PoE-Overlay-Community/PoE-Overlay-Community-Fork
Added support for Itemised Incursions (Chronicle of Atzoatl) (#210)
Added support for Relic/foil Unique items (#205)
Fixed an issue with missing ‘stack-size’ (and other properties) when evaluating ...
Added support for Relic/foil Unique items (#205)
Fixed an issue with missing ‘stack-size’ (and other properties) when evaluating ...
Release 한/영 POE 거래소 검색 - · phiDelPark/PoeTradeSearch
Version - POE DB: 2021-05-31T09:30:34Z
도움말을 보려면 Wiki 를 참고하세요.
도움말을 보려면 Wiki 를 참고하세요.
사용해 보시고 취향에 맞는 것으로 선택해서 사용하시면 될 것 같습니다.
자주 사용하는 명령어로는 맵핑중이거나 광산,강탈등을 플레이 중일 때 귓말이 오게되면, 자동으로 답장해 주게되는 /autoreply 를 사용합니다.
/autoreply Currently in Map/Delve/Heist Can I message you when I’m done? It takes 1-2 minutes.
저는 이렇게 설정해 놓고 사용합니다.
Poe-OverLay에서 설정은 아래 이미지처럼 해놓고 사용합니다.
설정된 키는 참고만 하시고 원하시로 변경하셔서 설정하시면 됩니다.
제가 설정한 대로 하려면 POE 접속 후에 설정>입력 부분에서 f8로 설정되어 있는 스크린샷의 키를 다른 키로 변경해 주어야 합니다.
아래 모든 PathofExile의 명령어를 참고해서 자신이 원하는대로 설정해서 사용 하면 됩니다.

Chat console
The Chat Console The Chat Console is used to communicate with other players and execute certain commands. To access the chat console, click the chat icon () or press the chat key (mapped to ↵ Enter by default). 1 Chatting 1.1 Popular channels 1.1.1 Global 820 1.1.2 Other special chat channels 2 Comm…
Command | Category | Function |
/help | Displays a list of most console commands. | |
/bug <description> /debug <description> |
Reports a bug and gives you the report reference number. Additional information can be provided with <description>. | |
/ladder | Displays the top ten characters on the current ladder. | |
/played | Character | Displays the length of time the current character has been played. |
/age | Character | Displays how long ago the current character was created. |
/passives | Character | Displays a summary of all passive skill points and the Deal with the Bandits reward the character has gained. |
/deaths | Character | Displays how many deaths the current character has incurred. |
/remaining | Displays how many monsters remain alive in the current area. | |
/destroy | Destroys the item on cursor. Use with caution! | |
/recoveroldcraftingbenchitem | Recovers an item placed in now inaccessible Masters and Harvest crafting bench. | |
/itemlevel | Displays the level of the item on cursor. | |
/pvp | Displays Win/Loss/Disconnect statistics for 1v1 and 3v3 PvP. | |
/fixmyhelmet | Updates an existing non-unique helmet to new art. | |
/oos | Forces resync. | |
/dance | Perform a dance. | |
/status <text> | Social | Change your status. Status is displayed to all friends as an alert when changed, and is shown to friends in the social window. |
/invite <character> | Social | Sends a party invite to <character>. |
/kick <character> | Social | Kicks <character> from the party. |
/party_description <description> | Social | Changes the description of the party to <description>. |
/tradewith <character> | Social | Initiates a trade with <character>. Characters must be in the same town hub instance to trade. |
/friend <character> | Social | Adds <character> to the friends list. |
/unfriend <character> | Social | Removes <character> from the friends list. |
/accept <character> | Social | Accepts friend request. |
/ignore <character> /squelch <character> |
Chat | Adds a player account specified by character name to the ignore list. No messages will be received from ignored players. |
/unignore <character> /unsquelch <character> |
Chat | Removes a player account specified by character name from the ignore list. |
/clear_ignore_list | Chat | Removes all player accounts from the ignore list. |
/whois <character> | Displays a character’s level, class, league, and whether he is online. | |
/afk <message> | Chat | Turns AFK mode on, replying with <message> when someone whispers you. A default message will be used if one isn’t specified. |
/afkoff | Chat | Turns off AFK mode |
/dnd <message> /donotdisturb <message> |
Chat | Toggles Do Not Disturb mode for chat. When on, no messages including whispers will be received. A custom autoreply message will be used if a <message> is added. |
/global <number> | Chat | Joins global chat channel <number>. |
/trade <number> | Chat | Joins trade chat channel <number>. |
/cls /clear |
Chat | Clears the chat console of text. |
/hideout | Quick travel | Sends you to your hideout. Only useable while in town. |
/hideout <character> | Quick travel | Sends you to character’s hideout. Only useable while in town. |
/menagerie | Quick travel | Sends you to your Menagerie. Only useable while in town. |
/exit | Exits the game to the Character selection screen. | |
/reset_xp | Resets the experience-per-hour estimation tool. | |
/recheck_achievements | Forces a recheck of certain achievements. | |
/autoreply <message> | Chat | Replying with <message> when someone whispers you. |
/delve | Quick travel | Sends you to your Azurite Mine. Only useable while in town. |
/metamorph | Quick travel | Sends you to Tane’s Laboratory. Only useable while in town. |
/nochat /togglenochat |
Chat | Chat suppression. |
/save_hideout | Saves the current Hideout layout to a file that can be later loaded or shared. | |
/spectate <character> | Spectate a character. Character must be mutual friend or guildmate. |