
‘타투 있으면 온천 금지라고요?’ 이 말에 일본 현지인들 반응

‘타투 있으면 온천 금지라고요?’ 이 말에 일본 현지인들 반응

일본 온천 여행만큼 온몸의 피로를 풀 수 있는 힐링 여행도 없습니다. 새하얀 설경을 배경으로 따끈한 온천욕을 즐기면 뭉쳤던 근육이 쫙 풀리며 상쾌한 기분이 절로 들곤 하는데요. 하지만 일본 온천에 방문했다가 몸에 새긴 문신 때문에 퇴짜를 맞았다는 후기들도 종종 들려오곤 합니다. 문신을 부정적으로 바라보는 일본에선 타투를 한 관광객들의 온천 출입을 불허하는 경우가 많았죠. 몸에 문신이 있으면 […]

외국인들이 한국 쓰레기장을 경험해보고 내뱉는 공통된 첫마디

외국인들이 한국 쓰레기장을 경험해보고 내뱉는 공통된 첫마디

대부분의 한국인들에게 당연하게 여겨지는 ‘분리수거 문화’. 하지만 우리나라를 처음 방문한 대다수의 외국인들은 한국의 분리수거 문화를 보고 깜짝 놀라곤 하는데요. 2013년 OECD(경제협력개발기구) 통계에 따르면 한국의 폐기물 재활용률은 59%로 전 세계에서 독일의 65% 다음인 2위를 기록했습니다. 이후 한국은 환경오염에 대한 경각심이 높은 국가라는 평가를 받기도 했죠. 그래서 오늘은 외국인들이 놀란 한국의 ‘쓰레기 분리배출 문화’에 대해 알아보았습니다. 쓰레기통

5,000 pack Bangkok’s central shopping district to continue the protest

Police have been taken aback by the huge amount of support for a protest at Bangkok’s famous Ratchaprasong Intersection, the site of the 2015 Erawan Shrine bombing incident where 20 people died. Bangkok, currently under a State of Emergency, declared by the Thai government in the early hours of this morning, is on edge this

Phuket’s annual Vegetarian Festival expected to draw in 350 million baht

WARNING: Graphic photos and video below. After months and months of an economic slowdown induced by the coronavirus pandemic and the lack of tourists, thousands of people are expected to arrive to Phuket over the next 2 weeks to take part in the annual Vegetarian Festival. It’s expected to generate more than 350 million baht,

Human rights lawyer Anon Nampa arrested, flown to Chiang Mai for sedition charges

After being arrested in Bangkok early this morning, along with numerous other protesters, human rights lawyer and pro-democracy activist leader Anon Nampa is apparently being flown up to Chiang Mai to face sedition charges for allegedly criticising the Thai Monarchy at a past event in the northern province. In Bangkok today, at least 20 protesters,

10 new Covid-19 cases in quarantine, only 1 reported symptoms

10 new Covid-19 cases were detected in quarantine from those travelling from 6 different countries, tallying up Thailand’s total number of reported cases to 3,665, according to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. The cases were found in people arriving to Thailand from Myanmar, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Italy, Lebanon and the Netherlands. Only 1 patient

“Limit the level of torturing” at Phuket’s annual Vegetarian Festival, mayor says

WARNING: Content below contains graphic images of self-mutilation that some may find disturbing. While Phuket’s annual Vegetarian Festival was given the “okay” to move forward with plans, the event will need to abide by “new normal” rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. So called “mah songs,” who often practice self-mutilation to enter a

Students at Naresuan University mark 1973 uprising with candlelit vigil

As tens of thousands of protesters gathered at Government House in Bangkok yesterday, students at Naresuan University in northern Thailand were commemorating a 1973 uprising with a candlelit vigil. The October 14, 1973 popular uprising, known as the “Day of Great Sorrow” was a defining moment in Thailand’s history, ending the ruling military dictatorship of

Pattaya bar ladies use YouTube to make money during pandemic – VIDEO

Can’t visit the ladies in Pattaya? Just go to YouTube and type “Pattaya bar live” in the search bar. A number of videos and live streams will come up from various bars in Pattaya. The area was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic with a ban on international tourists, battering the local economy that heavily

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