
“Limit the level of torturing” at Phuket’s annual Vegetarian Festival, mayor says

WARNING: Content below contains graphic images of self-mutilation that some may find disturbing. While Phuket’s annual Vegetarian Festival was given the “okay” to move forward with plans, the event will need to abide by “new normal” rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. So called “mah songs,” who often practice self-mutilation to enter a […]

Students at Naresuan University mark 1973 uprising with candlelit vigil

As tens of thousands of protesters gathered at Government House in Bangkok yesterday, students at Naresuan University in northern Thailand were commemorating a 1973 uprising with a candlelit vigil. The October 14, 1973 popular uprising, known as the “Day of Great Sorrow” was a defining moment in Thailand’s history, ending the ruling military dictatorship of

Pattaya bar ladies use YouTube to make money during pandemic – VIDEO

Can’t visit the ladies in Pattaya? Just go to YouTube and type “Pattaya bar live” in the search bar. A number of videos and live streams will come up from various bars in Pattaya. The area was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic with a ban on international tourists, battering the local economy that heavily

집에 하나씩은 있는 이 약이 코로나에 효과 있다는데…

집에 하나씩은 있는 이 약이 코로나에 효과 있다는데…

코로나19 장기화 국면이 지속될 것으로 전망되는 가운데, 코로나 치료제 및 백신에 대한 관심은 더욱 높아지고 있습니다. 좀처럼 종식될 기미를 보이지 않는 강력한 바이러스인 만큼 치료에 대한 연구도 쉽게 진행되지만은 않습니다. 그러나 최근 코로나19 바이러스 증식을 억제할 수 있다는 ‘이것’에 대한 연구결과가 등장했습니다. 가정에서도 쉽게 발견할 수 있는 가정상비약으로 주목을 받았는데요. 과연 어떤 효과를 가지고 있는지

오직 여기 가야만 먹을 수 있어, 통영에만 있다는 이 음식의 정체

오직 여기 가야만 먹을 수 있어, 통영에만 있다는 이 음식의 정체

여행의 재미 중 하나는 바로 현지의 ‘음식’을 맛보는 것입니다. 각 지역의 환경에 따라 특색을 갖춘 음식은 해당 지역의 대표 음식을 넘어 하나의 여행 목적, 여행 코스로 선정되기도 합니다. 지역 특색이 담긴 음식 하면 ‘충무김밥’을 떠올릴 수 있습니다. 충무 김밥은 경상남도 통영의 대표 음식으로 자리 잡았죠. 하지만 통영에는 충무 김밥 이외에도 숨겨진 현지 음식들이 많은데요. 그래서

Clerk calls out Thai Army for alleged corruption

Clerk calls out Thai Army for alleged corruption

Clerk calls out Thai Army for alleged corruptionFacebook: Arm Narongchai In An army clerk is calling out the Thai Army for alleged corruption, saying he was forced to withdraw money under his name which was then falsely documented as a travel expense. Clerk at the army’s Ordnance Material Rebuild Centre, Narongchai Intarakawi, posted photos of

Woman arrested for allegedly running illegal fashion braces business

Woman arrested for allegedly running illegal fashion braces business

Woman arrested for allegedly running illegal fashion braces businessMatichon Police arrested a 30 year old woman for allegedly selling and fitting fashion teeth braces. Officers say they seized more than 600 fashion braces and dental tools from the woman’s home in Nakhon Pathom, a province west of Bangkok. Natsuda Sriwichian ran the business out of

Special Tourist Visa flight postponed, National Security Council confirms

Special Tourist Visa flight postponed, National Security Council confirms

Special Tourist Visa flight postponed, National Security Council confirmsSamui Times After much confusion about when the group of Chinese tourists will arrive in Phuket, the secretary general of Thailand’s National Security Council confirmed that today’s flight has been deferred to October 25. Officials decided to postpone the flight and reschedule it after Phuket’s Vegetarian Festival

17 year old student allegedly raped 12 year old multiple times at Bangkok school

17 year old student allegedly raped 12 year old multiple times at Bangkok school

17 year old student allegedly raped 12 year old multiple times at Bangkok schoolThairath A 17 year old student allegedly admitted to police that he raped a 12 year old student multiple times at their school in Bangkok’s Nong Chok district. The teenager is facing charges of sexual intercourse with a person under the age

7 new Covid-19 cases detected in quarantine, most asymptomatic

7 new Covid-19 cases detected in quarantine, most asymptomatic

7 new Covid-19 cases detected in quarantine, most asymptomaticKoh Chang 7 new Covid-19 cases have been detected in quarantine from those people entering Thailand via Suvarnabhumi Airport, plus 1 patient who appears to have contracted the virus for a second time. The cases come from Hungry, India, Kuwait, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and

Former Muay Thai champion dies after poisonous centipede bite

Former Muay Thai champion dies after poisonous centipede bite

Former Muay Thai champion dies after poisonous centipede biteDaily News A 52 year old former Muay Thai champion died yesterday from a blood infection after he was bit by a giant poisonous centipede, or takhap in Thai. Dokmaipa Por Pongsawang was bit a few days ago, but didn’t seek medical treatment until he was seriously

Dive team searches for couple’s bodies in Bangkok’s Chao Phraya river

Dive team searches for couple’s bodies in Bangkok’s Chao Phraya river

Dive team searches for couple’s bodies in Bangkok’s Chao Phraya riverDaily News A dive team was sent to Bangkok’s Chao Phraya river early this morning to search for the bodies of 2 people who are believed to have been swept away by the river’s current. The current was so strong, divers had to stop their

Dengue fever surges 400%  in Northern Thailand province compared to 2019

Dengue fever surges 400% in Northern Thailand province compared to 2019

Dengue fever surges 400% in Northern Thailand province compared to The northern province of Mae Hong Son has become a dengue fever hotspot as the number of cases more than quadruple compared to the case numbers of last year. The northern province currently has the Kingdom’s highest number of cases of the mosquito-borne illness,

Group of security guards allegedly gang up on 2 police officers

Group of security guards allegedly gang up on 2 police officers

Group of security guards allegedly gang up on 2 police officersEjan A large group of security guards allegedly had a fight with 2 police officers at a popular seafood restaurant in Bangkok. It started when officers went to the restaurant as customers and started arguing with the table next to them. An officer poured water

타 항공사 승무원 ‘얼굴평가’ 제대로 해버린 승무원, 처벌 수위가…

타 항공사 승무원 ‘얼굴평가’ 제대로 해버린 승무원, 처벌 수위가…

승무원의 용모를 앞세운 항공사들의 마케팅은 오랜 전통입니다. 그래서 각 항공사에서는 지나칠 정도로 승무원의 용모에 대해 규정하고 있죠. 특히 여자 승무원은 이런 규정에 더더욱 엄격한데요. ‘승무원’ 하면 비행기에서 깔끔한 유니폼을 입고 친절한 웃음으로 서비스를 제공하는 여성 승무원의 모습을 가장 먼저 떠올릴 정도죠. 시대가 변하면서 사회적 인식 또한 새롭게 자리 잡고 있지만 승무원들은 여전히 까다로운 용모 기준에서

여기서 찍었습니다, 최근 인스타그램 인생사진 성지로 뜨고있는 국내 장소

여기서 찍었습니다, 최근 인스타그램 인생사진 성지로 뜨고있는 국내 장소

해외로 가는 여행길이 막히자 국내여행 수요가 증가했습니다. 최근 포스트 코로나 시대를 사는 MZ세대(밀레니얼+Z세대) 사이에서는 ‘SNS 인생샷 성지’로 불리는 국내 숨은 명소들이 인기를 얻고 있습니다. 국내에 ‘이런 곳이 있었어?’라는 반응을 일으키며 놀라움을 자아내기도 한 곳들이었죠. 그래서 오늘은 이색 체험이 가능한 곳부터 이국적인 느낌이 물씬 풍기는 곳까지 최근 인스타그램 인생사진 성지로 뜨고 있는 국내 여행지에 대해 알아보도록

미처 몰랐다 “알고 보니 국내에 이 마을이 이렇게 많다고요?”

미처 몰랐다 “알고 보니 국내에 이 마을이 이렇게 많다고요?”

세계를 여행하다 보면 그 국가의 문화와 특징을 잘 살려 둔 여행지가 한 군데씩은 있기 마련입니다. 각 여행지는 모두 그만의 멋과 개성을 갖추고 있는데요. 우리나라에는 한국에만 있는 ‘이것’을 중심으로 이루어진 마을이 너무나도 많습니다. 바로 ‘한우마을’입니다. 이번 시간에는 한국인들도 몰랐던 수많은 한우마을의 정체 한번 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 한우마을 대명사, 횡성과 언양 한국에 한우마을이 몇 군데 있는지는 몰라도 사람들에게

‘Bad Student’ group plan protest after alleged abuse at Sarasas school

‘Bad Student’ group plan protest after alleged abuse at Sarasas school

‘Bad Student’ group plan protest after alleged abuse at Sarasas schoolAP/Sakchai Lalit After reports of a kindergarten teacher allegedly abusing and mistreating students, a group of Bangkok high school students known as “Bad Students” will rally in front of the Ministry of Education office tomorrow, calling on the Education Minister to step up. A teacher

Similan Islands to reopen on October 15 with ‘new normal’ policy

Similan Islands to reopen on October 15 with ‘new normal’ policy

Similan Islands to reopen on October 15 with ‘new normal’ policyThe Thaiger After being closed for the season, the Similan Islands National Park is opening back up on October 15, but this time with a “new normal” policy like social distancing, temperature checks and requiring staff and visitors to wear face masks. The national park

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