When disk usage is not displayed properly in cyberpanel
When disk usage is not displayed properly in cyberpanel In cyberpalel, there are cases where the site’s disk usage is […]
When disk usage is not displayed properly in cyberpanel In cyberpalel, there are cases where the site’s disk usage is […]
워드프레스 테마의 사용자정의를 저장하는 데이터베이스 테이블과 옵션 사용중인 테마가 thisistheme 이라면 wordpress 데이터베이스의 wp_options 테이블에 theme_mods_thisistheme 옵션에 저장 됩니다. 아래
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WordPress 웹사이트 속도: 왜 중요한가? WordPress 웹사이트를 구축하면서 웹사이트 속도가 중요한 이유를 알아보자. 첫째로, 사용자 경험에 미치는 영향이다. 웹사이트를 열어보는
Wordpress 홈페이지 구축을 위한 최고의 호스팅 업체 3곳 Wordpress 웹사이트를 만들 때 호스팅 선택하는 기준 성능: 웹사이트의 속도와 안정성이 호스팅
WPScan is on track to post a record-breaking year for WordPress plugin vulnerabilities submitted to its database, according to a
Gutenberg project lead Matías Ventura announced the Preliminary Road to 5.9 on the Make Core blog earlier today. He covered
Earlier today, Yoast CEO Marieke van de Rakt announced the company had been acquired by NewFold Digital. Yoast and its
A few weeks ago, Automattic released Quadrat on the WordPress.org theme directory. It is now the company’s fourth block theme.
Gutenberg 11.2.0 was released today with expanded color support for the Search and Pullquote blocks. Historically, customizing these elements has
Marketing consultant Bridget Willard announced the first commercial content pack for her Launch With Words project. Last week, she released
WordPress 5.8 introduced an opt-in system for themes to configure block settings, styles, templates, and more. It is done through