wordpress hosting

MapLibre Project Gains Momentum with MapLibre GL Native Release

The MapLibre project is picking up speed with the release of MapLibre GL Native, an open source mobile SDK for Android and iOS. As anticipated, MapTiler’s fork of Mapbox’s mobile map SDKs are coming under the MapLibre umbrella. This free library enables developers to write native applications that can display vector maps on mobile devices,

Getting To Know the Upcoming WordPress 5.8 Template Editor

Getting To Know the Upcoming WordPress 5.8 Template Editor

WordPress 5.8 is slated for release on July 20. In just over a month, many users will get their first taste of one of my favorite new features: template-editing mode. The template editor is a new tool that allows end-users to create custom templates without ever leaving the post-editing screen. It exists as a stepping

Extendify Adopts EditorsKit, Increasing Its Block Plugin Collection

Extendify Adopts EditorsKit, Increasing Its Block Plugin Collection

Extendify has been scooping up some successful block-related plugins in recent months. It acquired the Redux Framework in November 2020 and followed it up with a purchase of Editor Plus and Gutenberg Hub in December. Its latest pickup? EditorsKit. This ownership change was an adoption rather than an acquisition. The company is compensating Jeffrey Carandang,

Gutenberg 10.8 Adds New Typography Controls and Block Previews

Gutenberg 10.8 Adds New Typography Controls and Block Previews

On Wednesday, Gutenberg 10.8 landed in the WordPress plugin directory. The release includes new typography options for controlling the Heading block’s font-weight and the List block’s font family. The Audio and File blocks now show preview content in the inserter. Gutenberg 10.7 felt like it introduced flashier features than 10.8. But, this was still a

Building Featured Boxes With the WordPress Block Editor

Building Featured Boxes With the WordPress Block Editor

It is a new day with another chase for that elusive block plugin that will bring a little joy into my life. Today’s experiment comes courtesy of the Feature Box plugin by Sumaiya Siddika. It is a simple block that allows end-users to upload an image and add some content to an offset box. The

The Automattic Theme Team Announces Blockbase, Its New Block Parent Theme

The Automattic Theme Team Announces Blockbase, Its New Block Parent Theme

Blockbase WordPress theme as seen from the site editor. Any WordPress company that builds and maintains themes worth its salt is already doing at least some preliminary work as WordPress inches ever closer to bundling its upcoming block theme system. Automattic’s Theme Team is no exception. Ben Dwyer announced the team’s new Blockbase parent theme

Happy 18th Birthday, WordPress

Happy 18th Birthday, WordPress

WordPress is celebrating 18 years today since the first release of the software to the general public. That release post, titled, “WordPress Now Available,” kicked off an exciting era in the history of the blogosphere where WordPress emerged as an unofficial successor to the abandoned b2/cafelog software. Reading the comments on the first release, you

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