Learn about virtual mental health care as a small business owner on the next TPG Small Biz Webinar


These are demanding times for small businesses. With the economic slowdown, owners can quickly find themselves facing stress and anxiety levels never experienced before. If you’re trying to balance your stress and keep your doors open for customers, join this week’s TPG Small Biz Webinar, and learn why taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your business, along with strategies to cope during COVID-19.

Date: Tuesday, May 19
Time: Noon Eastern Time
Location: Zoom Webinar

Our expert panelists this episode will be Licensed Somatic Psychotherapist Morgan Smith and Amy Domangue, Co-Founder and CEO of virtual healthcare marketplace ‘Jessie’.  We’ll cover best practices for taking care of your mental health as a small business leader and discuss virtual solutions to find mental health professionals and assistance.

Like our first webinar, I’ll be hosting this TPG Small Biz session, while TPG Senior Editor Nick Ewen will hold down the moderator role. We’re excited to bring virtual programming to our small business audience and look forward to hosting all of you next Tuesday May 19 at noon Eastern Time.

Learn about virtual mental health care as a small business owner on the next TPG Small Biz Webinar 1

Even if you can’t make the live session, register using the link below, and you’ll automatically receive a link to the recording the following day. And please share with your small-business colleagues or any loved ones struggling with the current economic environment.


The TPG Small Biz community was created in October 2019 to give small business owners and leaders a forum of peers to learn how to maximize monthly expenditures toward credit card rewards. The community’s focus quickly engulfed a much larger purpose of peer support in almost all financial matters a small business faces. Currently, there are more than 2,500 small-business owners in the community, and weekly content focused on small businesses is published on The Points Guy.

Featured image by Thomas Barwick/ Getty Images.

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