
WordPress settings and error solutions

Gutenberg 7.8 Adds Patterns API and Continues Interface Cleanup

Gutenberg 7.8 Adds Patterns API and Continues Interface Cleanup

Version 7.8 of the Gutenberg plugin landed yesterday. The team continues to improve the editor with the refreshed interface work that began in version 7.7. The most useful feature with this update of the plugin is the inclusion of the Patterns API for plugin and theme developers. This release is not the massive feature release […]

Finding Balance in These Uncertain Times: Remote Work and Sharing Our Struggles

There is a popular saying, which has been used in several memes, among my developer and remote-working friend groups. It goes something like the following: Government and Doctors: Practice physical distancing during this pandemic. Remote Workers: I’ve been preparing my whole life for this moment. I got this. The truth is that we don’t “got

Yoast Publishes Free Online Training Course for the Block Editor

Yoast, the company behind the popular Yoast SEO plugin, launched its free block editor training course today. The course is available to anyone by signing up for Yoast Academy, which also includes multiple other free and paid courses. Users can learn everything from SEO and copy writing to basic WordPress skills. The Academy team’s latest

Still No Wood Grain: WP Tavern Design Update

Still No Wood Grain: WP Tavern Design Update

WP Tavern homepage design. It has been a bit of a slow news week in the land of WordPress with the COVID-19 pandemic reaching across the globe. Most people are hunkering down or getting accustomed to a change in their daily lives. For some people, that has meant figuring out a way to work with

Block-Based Themes and the Problem with Dynamic Data in HTML Templates

The Gutenberg project and its eventual full-site editing feature is coming upon a major issue that will need to be solved. Block-based themes of the future are currently on a path toward a template system that will comprise of plain HTML files. While that will work for the majority of a theme’s output, the trouble

Build Custom Templates with the MB Views Add-On for Meta Box

Build Custom Templates with the MB Views Add-On for Meta Box

Meta Box released its MB Views add-on plugin last week. The new extension allows developers to build custom templates from the comfort of their WordPress admin. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use interface for outputting custom fields without editing theme files, but its flexibility pushes the boundaries of full-site editing. Quick take: MB Views

GitHub Acquires npm, Plans to Improve Infrastructure and Experience

GitHub announced yesterday that it had acquired the popular JavaScript package service npm for an undisclosed amount. npm, Inc. was the company behind the Node package manager, npm Registry, and npm CLI. The company is shuttering its doors, but the future of the npm service looks bright with this acquisition. Currently, npm serves over 1.3

Gutenberg 7.7 Ships Refreshed UI and First Iteration of Block Patterns

Gutenberg 7.7 Ships Refreshed UI and First Iteration of Block Patterns

Last week, version 7.7 of the Gutenberg plugin shipped to users. In what is one of the more visually-striking updates in a while, the design team presented a refreshed UI. Users will also get their first chance to test the upcoming block patterns feature. Some users may get a surprise. Gutenberg 7.7 is the first

WP Engine Named a Best Workplace in Texas

For the second year in a row, WP Engine has been named a Best Workplace in Texas by workplace culture authority Great Place to Work®.  To determine the companies selected for its 2020 list, Great Place to Work analyzed anonymous survey feedback from nearly 55,000 employees across Texas, all with a focus on how their…

PHP 7.4 Now Available to WP Engine Customers

Optimizing your WordPress site for speed and security is far from easy, but one simple step that can yield immediate results is making sure you’re running the most up-to-date version of Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP. At WP Engine, we work hard to make sure our customers have access to the latest versions of PHP, and…

WP Engine Named a Fortune Best Workplace in Technology

For the third year in a row, WP Engine has been named a Fortune Best Workplace in Technology, a designation that recognizes companies with highly fulfilled, engaged employees and a strong focus on innovation.  To determine the companies selected for 2020, Fortune partner Great Place to Work®, analyzed anonymous survey responses from nearly 300,000 employees…

Shining a Light on Equality for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day has been celebrated for more than a century, and while it initially began as a focal point in the push for women’s rights—and women’s suffrage—the day has endured as an occasion to champion many of the causes that still affect women today.  At WP Engine, we view International Women’s Day as an…

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