High APY and more: Why PrimeEarn high-yield Tuesday sold out in mere minutes

High APY and more: Why PrimeEarn high-yield Tuesday sold out in mere minutes

Tense Russia and Ukraine relations, soaring European commodities prices, inflation in Denmark hitting the highest level in nearly 40 years, and the price of Bitcoin falling below US$40,000 only to rebound. Volatility is the keyword of the day, making it hard for even a crypto veteran to judge where the cryptocurrency market is headed and when. One careless move could spell doom and the erasure of all previous profits. 

Everyone with knowledge of financial management understands that time is money. And this begs the question: are there no safe and risk-free ways to gain profits amid such volatility? Is the crypto space too unstable to remain in? 

Recently, Huobi Global launched an event called PrimeEarn High-yield Tuesday, which focuses on offering high APY for fixed deposit products for mainstream assets. The previous events saw products sold out within a few days or even minutes. Taking its latest event as an example, ETH and BTC fixed deposit products were sold out within 1 minute and USDT fixed deposits were snapped up in 1.5 minutes. Shocking as it appears, there are good reasons behind PrimeEarn’s popularity with the masses. 

Let’s start by taking a look at some of the cryptocurrency financial products on the market.

Binance: Most of the deposit products offered for mainstream assets are flexible deposits with a tired APY set. Taking USDT as an example, the APY for the amount exceeding the first 2,000 USDT is 3%, and APY for the amount exceeding the first 75,000 USDT is only 1%, which deems the deposit product rather unattractive to investors who wish to deposit large amounts of digital assets. 

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OKX: The APY for depositing mainstream assets BTC, USDT, ETH can go as low as 1%, and all are flexible deposit products.

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Let’s now delve into how the team at Huobi PrimeEarn caters to investor needs:

  1.  Going mainstream

Most financial management products in the crypto market are flexible deposit products for alt-coins, and there are few deposit products for the top mainstream assets by market value. In order to bridge this market gap, Huobi launched the PrimeEarn platform last year, offering investors the opportunity to deposit the most popular mainstream assets such as BTC, ETH, and USDT and gain attractive APYs in return.

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2. Enabling investors to profit

Financial management is all about making money and PrimeEarn is gaining popularity because of its ability to bring in risk-free profits for investors. Huobi’s PrimeEarn High-Yield Tuesday enables investors to gain up to 40% APY for depositing mainstream assets such as BTC, ETH and USDT for 14 days, the highest available rate in the market.

3. What you see is what you can earn

In contrast to some competing platforms which set tiered APY for deposit products, PrimeEarn sets no such condition — with no tiered APY, investors truly enjoy returns as advertised. 

4. Reduce loss from idle funds

As we know, the longer a product’s deposit period, the higher the expected rate of return. For flexible deposits, the APYs offered can be relatively low, and time is taken up when funds are transferred from account to account, deposited or withdrawn, increasing idle time.

However, the long-term deposit period offered by Huobi PrimeEarn means income loss arising from idle funds can be effectively avoided. What’s more, the APYs for fixed products are usually higher than those of flexible products.

A platform that truly aims to protect investors’ well-being and cater to their needs is bound to earn investor loyalty. PrimeEarn meets all the above criteria and is now highly sought after by discerning users. 

Latest High-Yield Tuesday Event

Event 1: Team up to win 40% APY for USDT Deposits

Users will form teams and each team will be ranked based on its total deposit amount. There are three tiers based on the deposit amount, and the top three teams will be selected from each tier to enjoy the highest APY offered. Click here to register and form teams with others. 

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Event 2: Enjoy 20% APY for USDT deposits

Users can deposit a certain amount of PrimeEarn assets to win APY booster coupons and enjoy APY up to 20% for USDT deposits and 15% for ETH deposits. 

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This Easter will see the launch of a limited-time, high APY deposit event that allows users to attain APYs of more than 600%. Lucky draw opportunities and APY booster coupons await. Watch this space.

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.

High APY and more: Why PrimeEarn high-yield Tuesday sold out in mere minutes Our Bitcoin News.

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