
2024년 10월 14일, 비트코인은 중요한 저항선을 돌파하며 64,000달러 돌파

2024년 10월 14일, 비트코인은 중요한 저항선을 돌파하며 64,000달러 돌파

비트코인은 중요한 저항선을 돌파하며 64,000달러 돌파 최근 비트코인 시장은 다시 한번 투자자들의 주목을 받고 있습니다. 2024년 10월 중순, 비트코인은 중요한 저항선을 돌파하며 64,000달러를 넘어섰습니다. 이는 24시간 동안 약 2.14% 상승한 결과로, 시장의 긍정적인 분위기를 반영합니다. 그러나 이 상승세가 지속될지에 대한 의견은 분분합니다. 저항선에서의 도전 비트코인은 현재 64,400달러 수준에서 저항선을 맞이하고 있으며, 이 가격대를 넘어서지 못한 […]

AI 글쓰기 도구: 가제트를 활용한 효율적인 콘텐츠 제작

AI 글쓰기 도구: 가제트를 활용한 효율적인 콘텐츠 제작

AI를 이용한 쿠팡 파트너스 자동 글쓰기 도구 AI AI 글쓰기 도구: 가제트를 활용한 효율적인 콘텐츠 제작 안녕하세요, 제가 가장 많이 사용하고 있는 AI 글쓰기 도구인 가제트에 대해 이야기해보려고 해요. 가제트는 효율적이고 간편한 콘텐츠 제작을 도와주는 도구인데요. 주로 사용하는 쿠팡 상품에 대한 콘텐츠 제작이 훨씬 빠르고 편리해졌다는 점 입니다. 쿠팡 파트너스를 하고 있다면 꼭 가제트의 장점과

Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, starts accepting “hometown tax” NFT art return gifts for historical and cultural preservation

Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, starts accepting “hometown tax” NFT art return gifts for historical and cultural preservation

Acceptance of government crowdfunding started On the 22nd, Numata City, Gunma Prefecture partnered with two companies, Trust Bank, which plans and operates the major hometown tax payment site “Furusato Choice”, and CoinBest, which develops planning and operation of NFT and Metaverse businesses centered on local governments. We have started accepting donations using Funding. The application

What are the laws and regulations related to the Metaverse?Commentary with examples of property rights and cross-border transactions | Contribution to law firm ZeLo

What are the laws and regulations related to the Metaverse?Commentary with examples of property rights and cross-border transactions | Contribution to law firm ZeLo

Possibilities and Regulations of the Metaverse Attempts to create a virtual space on a computer that began around the 1980s have incorporated elements such as SNS, online games, and e-commerce, and in recent years have come to be called the “Metaverse.” On the Metaverse platform, unique economic spheres are expanding, such as interacting with others

Win 100,000 yen in BTC: Bitcoin Pizza Day Commemorative Special Campaign

Win 100,000 yen in BTC: Bitcoin Pizza Day Commemorative Special Campaign

Bitcoin Pizza Day Commemorative Special Campaign CoinPost Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Arakawa-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takahito Kagami), which operates the online media “CoinPost” that specializes in news related to crypto assets (virtual currencies) and blockchain, is hosting WebX and “Bitcoin・To commemorate Pizza Day, we will hold a special campaign to win 100,000 yen in BTC from May

Dividends are high-dividend stocks and aim for an annual income gain of 2-3%

Dividends are high-dividend stocks and aim for an annual income gain of 2-3%

The “dividend” of stock investment is the money that a company distributes to shareholders as a return of profits. Dividends can be received by holding stocks, that is, income gains can be obtained by holding assets aimed at capital gains, so it has long been popular among stock investors as one of unearned income. The

Advantages and disadvantages of apartment investment that even beginners can understand

Advantages and disadvantages of apartment investment that even beginners can understand

Compared to other real estate investments, apartment investment can reduce the risk of vacancies, so it is a useful option for diversified investment other than virtual currency. However, since apartment investment starts from building management, it costs a lot of money when purchasing land and apartments. In order to obtain stable income, it is important

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