VC investment in Web3 startups is solid – Crypto asset VC investment in 2022 exceeds $ 30 billion | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

VC investment in Web3 startups is solid – Crypto asset VC investment in 2022 exceeds $ 30 billion | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

VC investment in Web3 startups is solid ── Crypto asset VC investment in 2022 exceeds $ 30 billion | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

Web3 startups and trading-related services will dominate crypto VC investments in 2022 and are likely to continue to do so in 2023, said Alex Thorn, head of research at crypto investment firm Galaxy Digital. (Alex Thorn) said.

Mr. Thorn appeared on CoinDesk TV on January 9th, and in crypto asset VC investment in 2022, Web3 sectors consisting of NFT, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), Metaverse, online games, etc. accounted for 31%, and trading-related platforms reportedly accounted for 13%.

According to the company’s “Crypto VC Year End” report, VC investment in cryptocurrency and blockchain startups will exceed $30 billion in 2022.

Source: Galaxy Digital

Thorne, meanwhile, noted that the number of investments and the amount invested in 2022 has clearly declined quarter-over-quarter, likely due to the collapse of several crypto giants and macroeconomic factors.

A lot of the money is also being invested in late-stage companies, especially those that offer trading and exchange services.

“This makes some sense, because there are more late-stage companies than there were a few years ago,” Thorne said.

Further, Thorne said the US “still has a leading position” when it comes to crypto VC investment. But he added that policymakers need to establish regulations that do not stifle crypto innovation.

|Translation: coindesk JAPAN
|Editing: Takayuki Masuda
| Image: Galaxy Digital
| Original: Galaxy Digital’s Head of Research Sees More Venture Funding for Web3 Firms This Year

VC investment in Web3 startups is solid ── Crypto asset VC investment in 2022 exceeds $ 30 billion | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan Our Bitcoin News.

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