
Behind The Byline: ‘Contactless Reporting’ Although the coronavirus pandemic shut down many organizations and businesses across the nation, KHN has never been busier ― and health coverage has never been more vital. We’ve revamped our Behind The Byline YouTube series and brought it to Instagram TV. Journalists and producers from across KHN’s newsroom take you behind the scenes in

KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Say What? The Spread Of Coronavirus Confusion

KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Say What? The Spread Of Coronavirus Confusion

What The Health? · Say What? The Spread Of Coronavirus Confusion Can’t see the audio player? Click here to listen on SoundCloud. Julie Rovner Kaiser Health News @jrovner Read Julie’s Stories Mary Ellen McIntire CQ Roll Call @MelMcIntire Read Mary Ellen’s Stories Margot Sanger-Katz The New York Times @sangerkatz Read Margot’s Stories Paige Winfield Cunningham The

Federal Help Falters As Nursing Homes Run Short Of Protective Equipment

Around the country, nursing homes trying to protect their residents from the coronavirus eagerly await boxes of masks, eyewear and gowns promised by the federal government. But all too often the packages deliver disappointment — if they arrive at all. Some contain flimsy surgical masks or cloth face coverings that are explicitly not intended for

Fighting COVID And Police Brutality, Medical Teams Take To Streets To Treat Protesters

Fighting COVID And Police Brutality, Medical Teams Take To Streets To Treat Protesters

DENVER — Amid clouds of choking tear gas, booming flash-bang grenades and other other “riot control agents,” volunteer medics plunged into street protests over the past weeks to help the injured — sometimes rushing to the front lines as soon as their hospital shifts ended. Known as “street medics,” these unorthodox teams of nursing students,

Using Stories To Mentally Survive As A COVID-19 Clinician

Using Stories To Mentally Survive As A COVID-19 Clinician

Dr. Christopher Travis, an intern in obstetrics-gynecology, has cared for patients with COVID-19 and performed surgery on women suspected of having the coronavirus. But the patient who arrived for a routine prenatal visit in two masks and gloves had a problem that wasn’t physiological. “She told me, ‘I’m terrified I’m going to get this virus

A Family With Five Doctors — And Two COVID Deaths

A Family With Five Doctors — And Two COVID Deaths

On the morning of April 1, Dr. Priya Khanna inched her way from the bedroom to the front door, using walls, doors and railings to hold herself up long enough to get to the stretcher waiting outside. She had been battling COVID-19 for five days and was struggling to breathe. Her mother, also COVID-positive, watched

Efforts To Curb Congenital Syphilis Falter In COVID’s Shadow

U.S. public health officials are closer to identifying a road map for curbing the rising rates of syphilis infections in newborn babies, but with so many resources diverted to stopping the spread of COVID-19, many fear the rate of deadly infections will only get worse. Congenital syphilis — the term used when a mother passes

KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Say What? The Spread Of Coronavirus Confusion

KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: Protests And The Pandemic

What The Health? · Protests And Pandemics Can’t see the audio player? Click here to listen on SoundCloud. Julie Rovner Kaiser Health News @jrovner Read Julie’s Stories Mary Agnes Carey Kaiser Health News @MaryAgnesCarey Read Mary Agnes’ Stories Joanne Kenen Politico @JoanneKenen Read Joanne’s Stories Alice Miranda Ollstein Politico @AliceOllstein Read Alice’s Stories Following the death

Judges Try To Balance Legal Rights And Courtroom Health

It’s tough getting people to report for jury duty in normal times. It’s even harder during a pandemic. The kidnapping and rape trial of Kenneth Weathersby Jr. opened Feb. 24 in Vallejo, California, but three weeks later two jurors refused to show up after the state ordered people to stay home. Then the state’s chief

In Hard-Hit Areas, COVID’s Ripple Effects Strain Mental Health Care Systems

In late March, Marcell’s girlfriend took him to the emergency room at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, about 11 miles south of Detroit. “I had [acute] paranoia and depression off the roof,” said Marcell, 46, who asked to be identified only by his first name because he wanted to maintain confidentiality about some aspects of his

Newsom Likes To ‘Go Big’ But Doesn’t Always Deliver

Newsom Likes To ‘Go Big’ But Doesn’t Always Deliver

Gavin Newsom knew it was a political gamble when, as the newly elected mayor of San Francisco, he promised to eradicate chronic homelessness. “I recognize that I’m setting myself up. I’m not naive to that,” he told his hometown newspaper in 2003 as he embarked on a campaign to sell his controversial plan. It hinged

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