Coinbase announces review of Japanese business and suspension of transactions with existing customers | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

Coinbase announces review of Japanese business and suspension of transactions with existing customers

Coinbase announces review of Japanese business and suspension of transactions with existing customers | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan

Coinbase, a major US crypto asset trading company, announced on January 18 that it will review its business in Japan and suspend transactions with existing customers.

According to the announcement, “Due to changes in the market environment, we have made the difficult decision to completely review our current business in Japan and suspend transactions with existing customers.”

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Customers can withdraw their assets until February 16, 2023 Japan time. After February 17, 2023, the Japanese yen balance will be deposited with the Legal Affairs Bureau.

|Text and editing: coindesk JAPAN editorial department
|Top image: From Coinbase

Coinbase announces review of Japanese business and suspension of transactions with existing customers | coindesk JAPAN | Coindesk Japan Our Bitcoin News.

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